Artist Statement: As a Canadian artist based in Vancouver BC, I am constantly inspired by the breathtaking landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. From the misty forests to the rugged coastlines, this region is a never-ending source of inspiration for my art. In my work, I use a variety of brushes and oil paints to create these landscapes by hand. Whether I am painting the intimidating snow-capped peaks of the mountains or the tranquil waters of a quiet lake, I am always filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the natural environment all around us. I hope that my artwork takes you on a journey to a nostalgic, whimsical world of the imagination, and serves as a reminder of the enduring beauty of our landscape.
Bio: At an early age, Sam Siegel discovered and was supported in his artisitc expression by teachers and family as an antidote to his ADHD. He stuck with it. An injury and consequent addiction to oxycodone and then fentynol sent him through rounds of rehab which eventually took hold. When he came out the other side, his father and uncle joined together with Sam to create his business, Sam’s Original Art, with a gallery in Vancouver, BC, and a well-established website (samsoriginalart.com).
For more information about the artist, you may go to these links: