Mexican Fever Dream

The lack of you

My tea cold
My feet cold

My sleep cold
My mind mushy

Five minutes out of
an hour I get relief

and then my eyes
yank open.

I’ve been eating avocado for a week
I dry the seeds; I grind the seeds
I mix the seeds; I drink the seeds

I see you in a delirium
Me bathed in red

You swooping across the frozen Lerma River
With me in tow… laughing as we fall

I scurry up to the top of a mesa
Where I see the mountain lion stalk

It’s you. It’s you!

Josh Medsker‘s writing has appeared in many publications, including: Contemporary American Voices, Haiku Journal, Red Savina Review, and Virga. For a complete list of Medsker’s publications, please visit his website (

Willawaw Journal

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Willawaw Journal

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