Blessed are the front porch sitters
the back fence talkers
the casserole bringers
the pie bakers
the time wasters
the two o’clock tea takers.
Thank you to the neighborhood watchers,
the people who take care of children
and the ones not right in the head.
Thanks for the years old people
have spooned over our town
day by day, struggle or ease.
Thanks to the jailbirds and politicians
for someone to blame,
and the folks who stare in pond water
to read the future.
Thanks to those who look into things
deeper than I can imagine.
Blessed are the music makers,
the story spinners
and those who do the work.
Blessed are those who bring comfort
when pain is everywhere.
Gary Lark’s most recent collections are Easter Creek, Main Street Rag, Daybreak on the Water, Flowstone Press and Ordinary Gravity, Airlie Press . His work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Catamaran, Rattle, and others.
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