Poet Laureate Poem Prompts

About Poet Laureate Sandra Alcosser

Sandra Alcosser has published seven books of poetry, including A Fish to Feed All Hunger and Except by Nature, which have been selected for the…

3 years ago


Friday night I entered a dark corridor rode to the upper floors with men who filled the stainless elevator with…

3 years ago

About Poet Laureate Tom Sexton

Tom Sexton was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, and lived in the city through his high school years. He earned degrees…

4 years ago

On the Death of Seamus Heaney

He is crossing those four green fields now. On the horizon, blossoms falling like snow. A chorus calls his name.…

4 years ago

After His Long Day

--for Peter Sears (1937-2017), after Tom Sexton He does not fly over these hills or fields. Instead he crosses the quad…

4 years ago

About Parliamentary Poet Laureate John Steffler

John Steffler served as the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada from 2006 to 2008. Though he was born and educated…

4 years ago

That Night We were Ravenous

Driving from Stephenville in the late October dusk -- the road swooping and disappearing ahead like an owl, the hills…

4 years ago

It was not the breadbasket but you could see it from there–Rachel Barton

This post has been removed in order to be submitted for publication elsewhere.

4 years ago

About Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken

Kathleen Flenniken served as Washington State Poet Laureate from 2012 to 2014. She won the Washington State Book Award for…

4 years ago

Seven Seas–Kathleen Flenniken

The one we’ve fished to death, that tosses ships till they sink, so deep the fish at the fissures squiggle…

4 years ago