Sandra Alcosser has published seven books of poetry, including A Fish to Feed All Hunger and Except by Nature, which have been selected for the…
Friday night I entered a dark corridor rode to the upper floors with men who filled the stainless elevator with…
Tom Sexton was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, and lived in the city through his high school years. He earned degrees…
He is crossing those four green fields now. On the horizon, blossoms falling like snow. A chorus calls his name.…
--for Peter Sears (1937-2017), after Tom Sexton He does not fly over these hills or fields. Instead he crosses the quad…
John Steffler served as the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada from 2006 to 2008. Though he was born and educated…
Driving from Stephenville in the late October dusk -- the road swooping and disappearing ahead like an owl, the hills…
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Kathleen Flenniken served as Washington State Poet Laureate from 2012 to 2014. She won the Washington State Book Award for…
The one we’ve fished to death, that tosses ships till they sink, so deep the fish at the fissures squiggle…