silphium They found the seventy six statues left at Cyrene, and were there coins scattered at their feet, bearing the…
Raft It's almost like it's not my own memory but borrowed from someone else, who in turn had to rent…
Directions to Canaan Passports from other worlds are used to travel this one passports issued in foreign tongues unheard by…
Looking for Chekhov Somewhere near Odessa In 1900, I think it was, But possibly not, You know how In memory’s…
Disintegrate I step off onto the tarmac And my identity evaporates into the rush of wind The cogs and bolts…
Coffee Break Her paleo grimace and a mummy’s differ in degree, not kind. Toothless for decades, but still not grizzled.…
Somewhere Near Odessa, 1900 In the low light by the river my grandparents, so young, stand in shabby coats and…
The Reach He lays a map upon the table fingering their long journey from the smudge of home and stabs…
Lament of the Leper King --Now no clock exists that might want to give me time to run away from…
Evening in July For an instant the crescent moon lies cradled in branches, then tumbles behind the elms, even now…