Internal Combustion There can be nothing but these hands fastened to the steering wheel, these eyes flickering from the sheet…
Squealing Garlic, Sacrificial Beans Mid-sixties, north of Bangkok, midday heat. I’m in third grade and trying to concentrate— light-headed and…
If faith can move mountains, so can doubt McKinley as a mountain bore the softball bolus in his lung, its…
The Growth of My Rings Before I leafed out and bloomed beyond your intention, you sprinkled patented faith and planted…
Yorzeit It’s my father’s Yorzeit, anniversary of his death according to the Jewish lunar calendar. In three houses spaced across…
Dear Zygote in Your Limniad State Dear Zygote, You should enjoy your limniad state, nymph-like and windless, there on two…
Annunciation He wants to be born. So first he enters the dream of the woman a doctor has told will…
Dear One Medical You are here for me, for my physical needs for my mental needs and did you say,…