Betty Turbo’s life as a Maker of Things began in a family of very artistic grizzly bears in the snowy wilds of Alaska. She earned a BFA in photography from RIT, got down and dirty with a stint at Hatch Show Print in Nashville, spun sugar and beaters as a cake decorator, for a brief moment, before focusing full-time on art shenanigans from her headquarters in Oregon. This painting is another from her Green Series. To see more of her fine art paintings, cards, posters, pins, and other glorious paraphernalia, go to Betty or to Betty Turbo on Etsy.
Surrounded by Poppies --after Paula Modersohn-Becker, “Old Poorhouse Woman with a Glass Bottle,” Oil on…
William Turner (after Steam Boat in a Snow Storm, 1812) First boat and sea and…
Dawn Patrol Crack, crack go eggs on the skillet. Now and then a small streak…
Postcard from Across the Room You’re envious of my travels, No doubt. That’s understandable— The…