Friday night I entered a dark corridor rode to the upper floors with men who filled the stainless elevator with…
Dear Readers, Who knew that Tom Sexton’s “On the Death of Seamus Heaney” would elicit such an outpouring of homage…
Companion Piece 1 We have met from time to time, passing casually, he tipping his hat and smiling enigmatically, I…
Give and Take Fishing spins a mystery under glass where lips approach a rising lure. A flash and tug then…
Popping the Tires the suspect sits in the interrogation room and the only thing they say is “can I get…
Vehicle —with Apologies to Rilke How I marvel at the trash truck on Mondays that arrives between the turkeys’ promenade…
Wyoming The sea opens before us. I don’t look back. In this ocean, earth and brush. Land— this land. This…
Between Him and the World —on the early death of Alex Leavens Footsteps cross wet stones in the streambed. Snowmelt…